Chapter 4. Multiple Choice Questions

I. Answers A, C, D, and E are true statements, whereas B is false.

II. Answer B is true, whereas A, C, D, and E are false.

III. Answers A, D, and E are true statements, whereas B and C are false.

4. Case History A

1. The defect in language function is aphasia (word deafness).

2. The difficulties in understanding spoken and written language is called Sensory Aphasia. Damage to Wernicke’s area in the dominant hemisphere (left hemisphere in 95% of all persons) explains the findings. The brain lesion of the composer is localised here.

4. Case History B

  • 1. Bleeding has interrupted the corticospinal tract as it traverses the internal capsule. The block of the excitatory pathways to the spinal cord result in severe contralateral paresis.

  • 2. Spasticity means a motor condition dominated by increased tonic and phasic stretch reflexes, and it involves damage of the reticulospinal tract. Foot clonus is a repetitive pattern of violent contractions when the reflex hammer taps the Achilles tendon.

  • 3. The innervation of the frontalis and the orbicularis oculi muscles is bilateral. Accordingly, these muscles function normally in a patient with a unilateral central paresis of the facial nerve. A patient with a peripheral paresis of the facial nerve can only knit his brows and screw up his eyes at one side.

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